Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Top 10 most common misconceptions about Psychics and Mediums

I've decided to post this blog about what I see day to day as an increasingly growing amount of misinformation and misconceptions around Mediumship and Psychic ability. 

Where do these misconceptions come from?  Well some of are as a result of religion, some via what I see as a dogmatic scientific belief system and others as a result of human conditioning.  As a wise man once said... the human ego is a powerful weapon.  The ego does not want to believe it has been tricked and of course if Psychic ability were real wouldn't I already know about it? Right?

I’ve seen a common thread amongst people I have met on the street, friends, people posting on forums and skeptics and cynics alike.  I find the same points being made and invariably when you ask that person how they came to forming their opinion they are either not able to tell me or quote the misguided ramblings of a pseudo skeptic like James Randi.

I was once told that there is not a single question in the world that we could not get an answer to, if we are willing to learn and investigate.  If you aren't willing to learn and investigate for yourself then you are open to believing anything you are told, and that is true of both sides of the fence.

So I’ve decided to compile what I have found are the Top 10 myths people are told about psychic and mediumship ability.  I’m hoping by the end of this you be at least be armed with information which will at the least allow you to have an open mind and hopefully investigate the phenomena further.  Don't always believe what a skeptic writes or tells you as "fact".

So here are the top 10 myths and the real answers from someone who is a Psychic Medium.

Myth # 1

Why could no psychic predict 9/11 and warn people in advance?

How many times have we heard this one?  Well if the mediums are psychic and could see the future then why could they not predict 9/11 and warn people?

Once again we have a clear case of proclamation rather than investigation mixed in with a little bit of misunderstanding.  A lot of people proclaim this to be the case but have clearly never investigated to see whether a psychic had in fact ever predicted 9/11 with a sufficient level of evidence.  If they had they would have found that it has actually happened and on more than one occasion.

Now before I show you this evidence I need to explain one important point.  There are many facets to being a Psychic.  Just like not all Psychics can talk to the dead (Mediumship), not all Psychics are capable of seeing future world events (premonition) before they happen.  There are many different facets to Psychic ability.  Some of the more common abilities (but not limited to) are:

Premonition (Ability to see premonitions of future events often in dreams)
Clairvoyant  (Ability to tune into the energy of an individual and see what they are feeling, thinking etc)

Mediumship (Ability to connect to the spirit world)     

Someone who is a medium may not necessarily receive premonitions.  Alternatively many Clairvoyants have the ability to tune into a person’s energy in the physical world but cannot connect to the spirit world.  So to call someone like a John Edward a fake because he cannot give you lotto numbers or see the WTC attacks in advance is a lack of understanding on what psychic ability and mediumship is.  He simply does not get premonitions of world disasters much in the same way an orthopedic surgeon more than likely can't do brain surgery.

Now onto the evidence at hand.   Has any psychic ever been able to successfully consistently see future world events and in particular seen the 9/11 attacks before they happened?  The answer is a resounding YES.  There have been many documented cases but I will concentrate on one particular person whom I have met and trained under several times and can vouch for.  He is quite well known in Australia for his predictions and has appeared on Television and Radio regularly, even being at one point Princess Di's personal psychic (and we will get to Princess Di).

This man is a psychic by the name of Scott Russell Hill.   What makes Scott an excellent case study for the evidence of Psychic premonitions was that not only are his predictions more than just a “one off lucky hit” but he made up to 30 verifiable predictions of which 29 came true and they were made LIVE on radio up to 7 years before they happened. 

They were heard by 10,000’s of people and the audio was archived and is readily available for verification.  In fact the Australian TV show “A Current Affair” who make a living from chasing and exposing frauds, investigated his claims and found not only he to be genuine but all of his predictions and the audio to be absolutely genuine.

In fact you can actually hear his predictions for yourself here at the 1:45 mark of this video.  This video is a compilation of some of his more well known readings on radio.  His 9/11 prediction was as follows:

"Key times of danger for the World Trade Centre and New york in particular is September, October and November of the year 2001 with a preference on the month of September.....It is an attack through or from the air.. It’s like a missile attack or something striking the building from the air."

On top of this Scott was able to predict Princess Di’s death in a car crash in Paris before she reached 40.  He also predicted the Bali Bombings as well as how JFK Jnr would die in a light plane crash.

As you can see for yourself there is verifiable proof that psychics have predicted world events with amazing accuracy and not the “randomly throwing out hits” that most skeptics will tell you is the way they do things.


Myth # 2 -


Why can’t psychics get the lotto numbers if they are real?

Probably the #1 question asked, more often than not tongue in cheek but I have had skeptics actually use this as ‘evidence’ psychic ability or in particular premonition does not exist.  Well there are two things we should look at. 

1.  Has anyone ever been given the lotto numbers via psychic ability or not.  You may be surprised to hear that the answer to that is yes and on several occassions.  Take this story as one example of many:

People often do not associate dreams with Psychic phenomenon.  The difference between a psychic and someone who is not, is that a psychic has the ability to receive information whilst in an awaken state.  Of course everyone is psychic and capable of receiving information at any time of the day whether it’s whilst driving their car or doing the dishes or watching television, but will often disregard these thoughts as simply “random mind chatter”.  A psychic on the other hand does not ignore it.  That is the only difference.

So why do some people get the lotto numbers in a dream or more importantly have loved ones that have passed come to them in dreams?  That is because for the average person who has not opened up to their psychic ability this is the easiests ways that the other side can be “heard”.  Whilst we are asleep our conscious thoughts disappear and our brain cycles slow down until we are in the Theta state and ultimately the deep sleep state called the Delta state.  

As a psychic when I meditate before a reading I am lowering my vibration to that of a Theta state.  The Theta state is the 30 or so seconds before you fall asleep and after you wake up.  It is that short moment that you are not quite back in your body and I have found is the ultimate state to be in to receive psychic information.  

Have you ever felt yourself about to drift off to sleep and then something startles you and you feel yourself falling?   You have just experienced what it feels like to be in the Theta state of consciousness.  That falling feeling is what many people commonly believe is your soul snapping back into the body.  The reason why you feel like you are falling is because YOU are.  Your physical body doesn’t have to be physically falling for you to feel it.  It is a difficult concept for some to grasp but it is one of many slices of "evidence" that the soul is so much more than your body.  It has all the same senses our physical bodies have, we just rarely use them unless you are openly psychic.

2.  So then why can’t all psychics just ask for the lotto numbers and get them if it is that easy?  Well this answer may sound “convenient” to the skeptics but unfortunately for them it is the truth.   Most of us are just not destined to win the lottery.  It is not in our life plan to do so.  Winning the lottery may stop you from doing something that is part of your lessons whilst here on this earth. 

What we see as “important” here with materialistic things such as money, fame etc; the spirit world do not consider important.  You only have to read the many stories of people who have won lotteries only to lose their entire winnings within months.  Money does not always bring happiness, we only think it does.

Another thing to remember as a psychic is that you are a RECEIVER.  Like a radio that is tuned into a certain frequency for a station, if that station is off air and not broadcasting you aren’t going to hear anything.  That doesn’t mean you aren’t capable of receiving though.

So is all of this scientific evidence that people can use psychic ability?  No of course not.  Yes they did win lotto but it is anecdotal.  They may have made up the story about getting the numbers in a dream.   Either way at the end of the day it does not matter.  

What does matter is that just because the spirit world will not tell you what the lotto numbers are for that week, it is not evidence that psychic ability is not possible.

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